Thursday, December 23, 2010

Breakfast of Champions?

Emily had a friend sleepover last night and Ana slept over at one of her friends houses since it was the start of Christmas break!  I had to work of course, but Todd was going to stay home with the kids. We were going to celebrate our family Christmas together after I got home from work at noon because the girls would be spending Christmas with their dad this year. So friends had to be gone by 10:00 a.m. so we could do our family Christmas.

I got a text from Todd this morning that said the boys had found the Elves. Alabaster was found hanging on our freezer door. Inside was Jangle with a note that said:

You have a busy day today. You better start the day with a healthy Elf breakfast!

He had a container of ice cream with sprinkles and cookies. And of course whipped cream! I think they must have done this on the day they knew mom would be gone, because I would NEVER have let them eat ice cream for breakfast! 001 002

And on top of that, Santa had left us a note. Well, it was more of a reprimand..for Todd and I. We were accused of a Crime against an Elf which is punishable by having our names placed on the naughty list. Apparently, by not allowing the kids to participate in whatever the Elves had planned the other night, we were committing a crime. Santa told us our names were now on the Naughty List and he sent a bag of “coal” for each of us!003

Unfortunately our plans for the day were cut short when I fell on the ice down our front stairs. We were still able to have a nice dinner and open presents, and lo and behold we were able to do one of the activities the elves had planned for us! We got tickets for “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” play. So, after dinner we packed up the Elves and headed down to St. Paul for our 2nd annual Christmas play.

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