Monday, December 6, 2010

Adding a bit of Color to our world

So Friday night Ana had her birthday party with a bunch of girls that slept over. Surprisingly they weren't any louder than we expected them to be. But they stayed up plenty late- I think they were up until 4:00a.m.! With all the noise and movement from them throughout the house, our little elves weren't able to get into too much trouble. Although we woke up to find that they had decided to color our cupboards- "Elf Style"

That empty spot on the bottom row is where they left a note and a schedule of events. There was something going on downtown and they were letting kids MEET SANTA'S REINDEER! They circled it in red and told us we HAD to go to it! Well, little did they know that the girls from the sleepover would go home late, and then we had to spend the next few hours getting ready for a showing (aka- cleaning) and then head off to Ana's basketball game. So we weren't able to get to the event.

I didn't have a chance to sneak a peek at the "Report" yet, so I will have to post that when they're not watching.

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