Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I do believe one of my favorite sounds every morning in December is the "thud thud thud" sound of my kids running downstairs to see what the elves did the night before and then the "patter patter patter" of them running back UPstairs to tell me about it.

This morning Sam came in and told me that the elves ate ALL of the cookies I spent hours and hours baking yesterday! I was not happy to say the least. So I told him I would get dressed and come downstairs - because I was almost ready to send those elves back to the North Pole!

Thankfully by the time I got downstairs Sam had found the cookies. (Hidden inside the elves' little house! Those sneaky little guys!). However...in their note they told us that Santa asked them to babysit a new baby elf for the week, but they weren't sure when the baby elf would arrive.

Turns out that he arrived last night. He must have drank all the water Jack left for them after his long trip from the North Pole because we found him in our bathroom! And quite the mess to go along with him.

I'm a little nervous to have a baby elf in the house. He's already turned our toilet water green and left footprints. Hmmm- what's next?

Elves have wierd footprints!

Baby Elf (Nathan) must have had a full bladder after his trip from the North Pole!

This is where those sneaky elves hid all the fruits of my labor!

Hidden underneath that pile of elves and reindeer are the remnants of a plate of cookies.

Nathan (he isn't big enough to have received his Elf name yet)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. lol I wonder if he ate a ton of green candy canes on his trip from the North Pole!
