Saturday, December 7, 2013

Teaching an old dog new tricks

The elves enlisted the help of their trusted reindeer to take part in their little shenanigans the other night. Mom just about stumbled down a flight of stairs when she woke up! After turning on the light and going blind for about 15 seconds, she realized why.   

The reindeer were all lined up for some reason.  But she didn't have time to figure it out- there was coffee to be made. Soon, Sam woke up and as the smell of coffee wafted through the air, waking up brain cells, mom saw him reading something on the stairs. Still not fully functional, mom went about getting the coffee into a cup so she could finally form a coherent sentence. By then Jack was awake. Between the two boys they found Glen. But not Alabaster and  Jangle. Glen was stuck about 10 feet up in the air on our chandelier!

He was tied to Lucy's dog bowl and was holding one of her treats. How he got way up there is beyond me and what he was doing was a mystery. Thankfully the elves left a note which Sam quickly took and deciphered in the mirror ( in case you forgot, elves write backwards so you need a mirror to decode it). Turns out the elves were trying to teach Lucy our dog, how to fly! But they were a bit disappointed in her effort. They said that no matter how many times they pushed her off the top step, she couldn't master the takeoff. I believe the reindeer were grading her and based on their scorecard she did not pass.  And seeing as though Lucy was no where to be found, I'm assuming she wasn't quite as happy about trying to fly as the reindeer thought she would be. 

The boys also discovered a whole bunch of grinch pencils the reindeer left them. It appears even the reindeer were watching for good behavior the night before - of which there was little! The reindeer told the boys that they could only use grinch pencils in school today because they had been so grouchy the night before!

Then I heard Jack shout "they left another note!" And off he ran. 

Well, we found out where the other two elves were. 

They were digging in the cookie jar! They must have found Lucy's dog treats and thought they were cookies ( Worst Cookies Ever apparently). They left mom a note saying she needed to find a new recipe for cookies because these were disgusting. 

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