Thursday, December 9, 2010

Guess Who Stopped at our House?

So, after having had a quiet few days with the Elves (not such a bad thing if you ask me), I got a call at work from Ana when she got home from school. She whispered..."if you find the Elves in a snow bank, it's not my fault. The Elves hate me!" Needless to say I was a bit perplexed. Usually when she calls me it is to ask if she can do something with a friend after school. So I kept asking her what was going on...but she would only whisper and I couldn't hear her. Finally she just said she would text me.

A few minutes later I get this:

Ana's bedroom door covered in tape
 And then I get this...

That's saran wrap all over the entry into the kitchen!
The pictures aren't very fabulous, but you can get the drift. Those little Elves were in rare form! Ana also said that they had turned every thing in her bedroom upside down. And there is a lot of stuff in her room!

Oh, but then Ana told me that there was more but she was going to wait for me to get home. YIKES! More??? I decided it was probably a good idea to leave work and go pick up Jack so I could see what other messes they had made. When I picked Jack up I told him that we had some naughty little Elves at our house, and he asked if it was the Grinch! Hmmm....did he know something I didn't?

Grinch Poo

When we got home we found that the Grinch had indeed been to our house! He left little piles of Grinch poop in each of the kids rooms...ewwww G.R.O.S.S.!!!  The little poem said this:

The Grinch has been here and he left just one clue…
This little green pile of Grinchy “Poo”
But why did he do it? Did he want to get caught?
As the Grinch would say, “I most certainly did not!”
But the Elves scared him away, off he went-homeward bound…
Leaving little green piles all over the ground!

There was also a note attached to a grinch Make-A-Mask hanging from the shower curtain in the bathroom (which Emily said scared her half to death when she went to the bathroom after school).  The note said to color the masks to wear while watching "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" tonight on t.v. There was also a grinchy word search attached too - with some new crayons!

Not something you expect to see while going to the bathroom!

And taped to the T.V. in the living room was a Grinch Trivia Quiz. (Which we did during the commercials later that night as we watched the movie!)

Finally we found this note attached to the lampshade:

We heard you talking about Christmas presents last night. Don't forget about those who don't have as much as you do. Use this to buy a toy for Toys For Tots.

We heard you say that we weren't as much fun as last year :( That makes us sad. We will try harder. We just don't want your parents to send us back to the N.P.

 The gift card on the note actually had the voices of the Elves recorded! It was sooo cute! After all the messes they left, I guess I can't be too upset since this was a really nice thing for them to do. We will have to go our shopping this weekend to pick out a toy.

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